Segmentation tasks
Distance transform watershed task
plantseg.tasks.segmentation_tasks.dt_watershed_task(image: PlantSegImage, threshold: float = 0.5, sigma_seeds: float = 1.0, stacked: bool = False, sigma_weights: float = 2.0, min_size: int = 100, alpha: float = 1.0, pixel_pitch: tuple[int, ...] | None = None, apply_nonmax_suppression: bool = False, n_threads: int | None = None, is_nuclei_image: bool = False) -> PlantSegImage
Distance transform watershed segmentation task.
This function applies the distance transform watershed algorithm to segment the input image. It handles both standard boundary probability maps and nuclei images, with options for various preprocessing and segmentation parameters.
) –The input image to segment.
, default:0.5
) –Threshold value for the boundary probability maps. Defaults to 0.5.
, default:1.0
) –Standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing applied to the seed map. Defaults to 1.0.
, default:False
) –If True and the image is 3D, processes the image slice-by-slice (2D). Defaults to False.
, default:2.0
) –Standard deviation for Gaussian smoothing applied to the weight map. Defaults to 2.0.
, default:100
) –Minimum size of the segments to keep. Smaller segments will be removed. Defaults to 100.
, default:1.0
) –Blending factor between the input image and the distance transform when computing the weight map. Defaults to 1.0.
(tuple[int, ...] | None
, default:None
) –Anisotropy factors for the distance transform. If None, isotropic distances are assumed. Defaults to None.
, default:False
) –Whether to apply non-maximum suppression to the seeds. Requires the Nifty library. Defaults to False.
(int | None
, default:None
) –Number of threads to use for parallel processing in 2D mode. Defaults to None.
, default:False
) –If True, indicates that the input image is a nuclei image, and preprocessing is applied accordingly. Defaults to False.
) –The segmented image as a new
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Cluster segmentation task
plantseg.tasks.segmentation_tasks.clustering_segmentation_task(image: PlantSegImage, over_segmentation: PlantSegImage | None = None, mode='gasp', beta: float = 0.5, post_min_size: int = 100) -> PlantSegImage
Agglomerative segmentation task.
) –input image object
, default:None
) –over-segmentation image object
, default:'gasp'
) –mode for the agglomerative segmentation
, default:0.5
) –beta parameter
, default:100
) –minimum size for the segments
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Lifted Multicut task
plantseg.tasks.segmentation_tasks.lmc_segmentation_task(boundary_pmap: PlantSegImage, superpixels: PlantSegImage, nuclei: PlantSegImage, beta: float = 0.5, post_min_size: int = 100) -> PlantSegImage
Lifted multicut segmentation task.
) –cell boundary prediction, PlantSegImage of shape (Z, Y, X) with values between 0 and 1.
) –superpixels/over-segmentation. Must have the same shape as boundary_pmap.
) –a nuclear segmentation or prediction map. Must have the same shape as boundary_pmap.
, default:0.5
) –beta parameter for the Multicut. A small value will steer the segmentation towards under-segmentation, while a high-value bias the segmentation towards the over-segmentation. (default: 0.5)
, default:100
) –minimal size of the segments after Multicut. (default: 100)
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